Manajemen Project Aplikasi pada CV. Amikisoft Berbasis Web Menggunakan PHP DAN MySQL

  • Jaelani Jaelani Puskesmas Klampokan Panji Situbondo
Keywords: application of project management, project management, information system


Project management is a way of organizing, managing, and completing a project from start to finish. Project management can be applied to any type of project and widely used in completing large and complex projects. The main focus in project management is the accomplishment of all project objectives with all the restrictions, time and funds available. AMIKISOFT as an organization engaged in the field of web developers in addition to employing personnel, CV. AMIKISOFT also uses students to work on projects. For the project, CV. AMIKISOFT uses project management to organize and manage project work from start to finish. AMIKISOFT has difficulty in managing the project, the difficulties are among others in project task and percentage of task / task that has been done. To facilitate the monitoring of course requires a computerized project management application, where the computerized management has been applied to companies that certainly have more value. This system is made using waterfall method with several steps that are done from Requirement to Maintanance. The results of built applications will help for project management of data processing and performance reporting that will minimize time.


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How to Cite
Jaelani, J. (2019). Manajemen Project Aplikasi pada CV. Amikisoft Berbasis Web Menggunakan PHP DAN MySQL. Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika, 4(1), 27-32.
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