Iltizam : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam <p><strong>Iltizam</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memiliki fokus dan cakupan pada hasil riset di bidang Ekonomi, keuangan, dan bisnis, terutama dari perspektif syariah. Iltizam merupakan salah satu jurnal ilmiah yang ada di lingkungan Universitas Ibrahimy. Iltizam diharapkan bisa menjadi wadah terbuka bagi penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi antar perguruan tinggi, dan penunjang bagi peningkatan mutu tridharma Universitas Ibrahimy. Iltizam akan terbit dua kali per tahun, yakni pada bulan Januari dan Juli.</p> <p><strong>e-ISSN</strong> : <a href="">3025-7093</a>&nbsp;(<em>Online</em>)<br><strong>p-ISSN</strong> : <a href="">3025-7107</a>&nbsp;<em>(Cetak)</em>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Zainul Anwar) (Zainurrahman) Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Analisis Peran Industri Halal Ab-Chicken Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Quality Education Perspektif Mashlahah Mursalah <p>AB-Chicken merupakan salah satu industri makanan halal yang didirikan oleh Yayasan Al-Bahjah dalam mengembangkan Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh industri halal AB-Chicken terhadap kualitas Pendidikan di Yayasan Al-Bahjah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa peran AB-Chicken dalam mengembangkan kualitas Pendidikan sudah sesuai dengan konsep mashlahah mursalah yaitu membawa kemanfaatan bagi Yayasan Al-Bahjah. Sebagian besar penghasilan AB-Chicken diserahkan untuk kepentingan Yayasan Al-Bahjah dalam mengelola Pendidikan. AB-Chicken merupakan implementasi penerapan konsep mashlahah mursalah dalam dunia Pendidikan sehingga keberadaannya sangat dibutuhkan di era sekarang.</p> Achmad Faozan Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Faozan Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Pemasaran Sosial Syariah Mendorong Kemajuan Ekonomi Dan Sosial <p><em><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Strategi pemasaran adalah suatu rencana menyeluruh dan terpadu di bidang pemasaran yang memberikan pedoman mengenai kegiatan yang akan dilakukan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan melalui periklanan, promosi, penjualan, produk dan distribusi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dalam Islam Nabi telah mengajarkan etika bisnis termasuk pemasaran melalui sifat Nabi yang disingkat SAFT (shiddiq, amanah, fathanah dan tabligh). </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Selain itu, pemasar harus memperhatikan etika teistik (rabbaniyyah), etis (akhlaqiyyah), realistis (al-waqiyyah), dan humanistik (insaniyyah). </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dengan memperhatikan konsep pemasaran dalam Islam diharapkan tidak ada pemasaran yang dapat merugikan berbagai pihak terutama konsumen dan mitra usaha.</span></span></em></p> Ceta Indra Lesmana Copyright (c) 2024 Ceta Indra lesmana Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Penetapan Harga Produk Industri Kerajinan Kayu UD. Akar Dewa Jati di Desa Karanganyar Kecamatan Kendit Kabupaten Situbondo dalam perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam <p><em>Odd pricing applied by UD. Akar Dewa Jati are only partly in wooden craft products. With the reason of attracting consumer interest and it is felt to be quite effective. The aim is to gain profits, gain market share and maintain the survival of industrial or business premises. Determining an odd price strategy is in accordance with Islamic business ethics by always prioritizing the principle of balance or fairness and responsibility in the form of honesty in conveying product prices, carrying out fair transactions and not committing fraud that could cause harm to other people. Meanwhile, for the remaining change from price rounding, if there is no change, it will be replaced with candy or transferred to social funds.</em></p> Misbahul Ali, Muhammad Imron Copyright (c) 2024 Misbahul Ali, Muhammad Imron Mon, 08 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perspektif Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Pendistribusian Zakat Di Baznas Karangasem Bali <p><em>Zakat distribution is the distribution, distribution, delivery of goods or services to many people or several places. The distribution of zakat has clear and directed targets and objectives according to the basis stated in the Al-Qur'an which is applied to the form of zakat distribution. The method used in this research is a descriptive method using a qualitative approach which aims to describe zakat institutions in a comprehensive and comprehensive manner through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research explain that the forms of distribution of zakat funds carried out by zakat institutions to improve community welfare are consumptive distribution and productive distribution so that they are able to improve people's living standards. The targets of zakat distribution carried out by BAZNAS Karangasem Bali are eight asnaf, namely the needy, poor, amil, converts, riqab, gharimin, fisabilillah, and ibn sabil. The steps for distributing zakat carried out by BAZNAS Karangasem Bali are planning, implementation and supervision. So, with distribution in the form of empowerment and the right targets and good stages at BAZNAS Karangasem Bali, it has succeeded in improving the welfare of the community.</em></p> Nanda Hidayan Sono; Fitri Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Hidayan Sono; Fitri Amalia Fri, 12 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategi Pemasaran Syariah pada Produk Tabungan Sajadah dalam Meningkatkan Minat Nasabah di KSPPS BMT NU Jawa Timur Cabang Mlandingan Situbondo <p><em>KSPPS BMT NU Jawa Timur Cabang Mlandingan Situbondo tidak hanya memberikan pinjaman kepada nasabah, akan tetapi juga menerima simpanan berupa tabungan. Salah satu produk tabungannya adalah tabungan sajadah (Simpanan Berjangka Wadi’ah Berhadiah) yang mana pemberian hadiah tersebut untuk menumbuhkan kepercayaan dan loyalitas nasabah untuk menabung, namun dalam perkembangannya peminat produk tabungan sajadah di BMT NU Jawa Timur Cabang Mlandingan Situbondo mengalami ketidakstabilan. Fokus penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran syari’ah yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan minat nasabah menggunakan produk tabungan sajadah dan menganalisis faktor yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat dalam memasarkan &nbsp;produk tabungan sajadah tersebut. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran syari’ah yang diterapkan oleh BMT NU Jawa Timur Cabang Mlandingan Situbondo khususnya produk tabungan sajadah yaitu menggunakan bauran pemasaran (produk, harga, lokasi dan promosi) serta sesuai dengan karakteristik pemasaran syari’ah (teistis, etis, realistis dan humanistis).</em></p> Zainul Anwar, Misba Huddin, Nadifatul Walidah Copyright (c) 2024 Zainul Anwar, Misba Huddin, Nadifatul Walidah Tue, 30 Jan 2024 15:31:10 +0700 Integrasi Manajemen Dan Etika Bisnis Islam Dalam Layanan Ibadah Umrah <p><em>This study aims to examine more deeply the service management and Islamic business ethics that exist at PT Nur Haramain mulia. The method used is descriptive qualitative, for research data collection includes observation, interviews, documentation. The results of this study indicate that PT Nur Haramain Mulia has an important task in serving pilgrims in making passports, providing rituals and the existence of mentors who are always there to make the Umrah worship of the jammah successful both in the country and in the holy land. Supporting factors and inhibiting factors must exist in an institution, some of the supporting factors in travel are adequate facilities and infrastructure, having many channels or enough cooperating parties to make PT. Nur Haramain Mulia Survive. And one of the inhibiting factors is that many pilgrims are from ordinary people who do not understand much about making passports and other files.</em></p> Zainur Ridho, Mochammad Ilham Hidayat, Taufiqur Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Zainur Ridho, Mochammad Ilham Hidayat, Taufiqur Rahman Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Eksplorasi terhadap Pola Transaksi Ekonomi Syariah dalam Praktik Jasa Titip (Jastip) atau Personal Shopper <p>Personal Shopper or JASTIP is one of today's Islamic economic products. Where many people conduct economic transactions using this pattern because of its convenience and time efficiency. Of course, the progress and development of innovation in this economic field must be balanced with legal certainty in the field of Islamic economics. In general, buying and selling transactions through this JASTIP pattern are in accordance with the theory of wakalah and murobahah in Islamic economics. However, at the technical level, this JASTIP pattern has three methods of payment and procurement of goods, First, the order-pay-send method. Second, the order by request method. Third, the order first-pay later method. The JASTIP pattern with the Order-Pay-Send method includes a wakalah bil ujroh contract. While the JASTIP pattern with the Order by Request method includes a Murobahah contract.&nbsp; And the JASTIP pattern with the Order First-Pay Later method includes the Bai' dain bi al-dain contract.</p> Ahmad Iqbal Fathoni Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Iqbal Fathoni Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Perspektif Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Praktik Kerjasama Penjualan Hasil Pertanian (Studi Kasus di Kelompok Tani Barurejo Desa Alasrejo Kec. Wongsorejo Kab. Banyuwangi) <p>Kelompok tani sebagai wadah bagi para petani untuk penguatan dan peningkatan ekonomi para petani. Seperti anggota yang menjual hasil pertaniannya secara langsung kepada pedagang, hal ini dapat memicu adanya permainan harga (monopoli harga) dari pihak pedagang yang dapat merugikan anggota yang tentunya keluar dari ketentuan ekonomi islam. Fokus yang akan dibahas dalam karya ilmiah ini yakni mencakup tentang <em>Pertama,</em> Bagaimana praktik kerjasama penjualan hasil pertanian di kelompok tani barurejo desaAlasrejoKec.WongsorejoKab.Banyuwangi.<em>Kedua,</em>BagaimanaPerspektifekonomiislamterhadappraktikkerjasama penjualan hasil pertanian di kelompok tani barurejo desa AlasrejoKec. Wongsorejo Kab. Banyuwangi.</p> <p>Untukmemudahkanpemahamandalampenelitianini,makapenelitimenggunakanmetodepenelitian<em>Kualitatif</em>denganpendekatan<em>StudiKasus(FieldResearch)</em>.Teknikanalisadatayangdilakukanpenelitiyaknimengembangkan pertanyaan kemudian menganalisis dan menentukan hipotesisawal, serta memberikan dasar bagi analisis setelah pengumpulan data ( <em>analisisafterdatacollection).</em></p> <p>Darihasilpenelitianyangpenelitilakukandapatditarikkesimpulanbahwa, <em>Pertama, </em>anggota kelompok tani yang menjual hasil panennya kepadakelompok tani yang nantinya akan diterapkandari hasil penjualan tersebut akandiberlakukan kepada setiap anggota untuk menyerahkan 5 (lima) persen darihasilpenjualansebagaisimpananpokokyangnantinyaakandiberdayakankembaliuntukkeberlangsungandankemakmuranparaanggota.<em>Kedua,</em>Kelompoktanibarurejo hadir dengan mengedepankan prinsip keadilan yangsesuai dengan perspektif ekonomi islam dimana, meliputi seluruh aspek dasarperekonomianMasyarakatdesaAlasrejoKecamatanWongsorejo KabupatenBanyuwangi<em>.</em></p> Zainur Rafik, Alif Akbarul Muslim, M. Fardany Kawakibi Copyright (c) 2024 Zainur Rafik, Alif Akbarul Muslimin, M. Fardany Kawakibi Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:14:32 +0700 Implementasi Akad Murabahah pada Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Rumah Subsidi di BSI KCP Basuki Rahmat Situbondo <p><em>Indonesian Sharia banks have an important role in society because their activities refer to Islamic law. One of the existing products was the BSI Griya Hasanah product using a murabahah (sale and purchase) contract to make it easy for people (customers) to own their dream home. The method in this research used field research and the approach used was qualitative. The results of this research showed that the murabahah contract used at BSI KCP Basuki Rahmat Situbondo has several stages, namely: BSI and the customer enter into a usury-free murabahah contract, the goods being bought and sold were not prohibited by Islamic sharia. In addition, BSI finances part or all of the purchase price of goods whose qualifications have been agreed upon and BSI purchases goods required by customers on behalf of BSI. Apart from that, BSI conveys all matters relating to purchasing and then selling the goods to customers, customers fill out the agreement and pay the instalments.</em></p> Zainol Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Zainol Hasan Tue, 30 Jan 2024 15:59:08 +0700 Makelar dalam Transaksi Ekonomi (Analisis Fatwa DSN MUI No. 151/DSN-MUI/VI/2022 Tentang Akad Samsarah) <p><em>Brokers in economic transactions are common jobs undertaken by society. However, in practice, brokers often pose problems, especially for consumers or buyers. It is not uncommon for buyers to find that the price set during the transaction is not the price set by the owner of the goods, but rather a price added by the broker. The significant price difference from the original price becomes a separate problem for the community.</em></p> <p><em>This article aims to explain the practice of brokers in Islam by analyzing the Fatwa DSN MUI NO. 151/DSN-MUI/VI/2022 on Samsarah Contracts. The focus of this article is: What is the nature of brokers in Islam? How does the Fatwa DSN MUI No. 151/DSN-MUI/VI/2022 on Samsarah Contracts play a role in ensuring the legality of broker practices in Indonesia?</em></p> <p><em>In this article, researchers use a research library approach. Primary data sources include literature on brokers in Islam. In Islam, brokerage is considered an allowed practice; a broker aims to provide assistance to both the buyer and the owner of the goods to be sold. Meanwhile, the role of Fatwa DSN MUI NO. 151/DSN-MUI/VI/2022 has outlined the technical implementation of broker services and provided arguments in accordance with Islamic Sharia teachings.</em></p> Ahmad Hamdi, Abd. Rahman, Nahe'i Nahe'i Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Hamdi, Abd. Rahman, Nahe'i Nahe'i Tue, 30 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700