Iltizam : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam 2024-08-09T13:17:49+07:00 Zainul Anwar Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Iltizam</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memiliki fokus dan cakupan pada hasil riset di bidang Ekonomi, keuangan, dan bisnis, terutama dari perspektif syariah. Iltizam merupakan salah satu jurnal ilmiah yang ada di lingkungan Universitas Ibrahimy. Iltizam diharapkan bisa menjadi wadah terbuka bagi penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi antar perguruan tinggi, dan penunjang bagi peningkatan mutu tridharma Universitas Ibrahimy. Iltizam akan terbit dua kali per tahun, yakni pada bulan Januari dan Juli.</p> <p><strong>e-ISSN</strong> :<a href=""> 3025-7093</a>&nbsp;(<em>Online</em>)<br><strong>p-ISSN</strong> : <a href="">3025-7107</a>&nbsp;<em>(Cetak)</em>&nbsp;<br><br></p> PENGARUH PROMOSI, KUALITAS PRODUK DAN PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN NASABAH EASY WADHI’AH PADA BANK SYARIAH INDONESIA DI KCP KUTACANE 2024-07-25T01:17:14+07:00 Ulan Sundari Bangko Munadiati Munadiati Muhammad Riza Fahriansah Fahriansah <p><em>Persaingan produk atau jasa dalam satu pasar semakin banyak dan beragam akibat keterbukaan pasar, sehingga perusahaan dituntut bersaing secara kompetitif dalam hal strategi bisnis untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan serta memahami apa yang terjadi dipasar dan apa yang menjadi keinginan konsumennya</em><em>. </em><em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel promosi memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah</em> <em>di BSI KCP Kutacane dalam memilih menabung Easy Wadhi’ah.</em> <em>Dimana perhitungan uji secara parsial diperoleh t hitung sebesar 11,489 dengan nilai signifikan 0,000 &lt; 0,005.</em> <em>Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan 77,4% kepuasan nasabah dipengaruhi oleh promosi, kualitas produk dan pelayanan, berarti 22,6% kupuasan nasabah dalam memilih menabung di BSI KCP Kutacane dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini.</em></p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulan Sundari Bangko, Munadiati Munadiati, Muhammad Riza, Fahriansah Fahriansah PRINSIP-PRINSIP PASAR DALAM TAFSIR AL-QUR'AN TEMATIK KEMENTERIAN AGAMA RI 2024-07-25T01:17:14+07:00 Ahmad Royhan Firdausy Ahmad Hamdi <p>Pasar merupakan tempat bertransaksi dan sarana paling efektif untuk peningkatan ekonomi umat. Namun tidak jarang ditemukan mekanisme dalam aktivitas tersebut yang tidak sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam. Penelitian ini emnggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, dengan jenis penelitian bahan pustaka (<em>Library Reseacrch</em>). Adapun bahan-bahan pustaka yang menjadi sumber primer ialah tafsir Al-Qur’an tematik Kementerian Agama RI serta didukung dengan kitab-kitab, buku-buku atau hasil-hasil penelitian yang berkenaan dengan tema bahasan dalam penelitian ini. Prinsip-prinsip pasar ialah dasar-dasar yang meliputi norma dan aturan yang mengikat dalam suatu sistem atau sarana bertransaksi. Adapaun prinsip-prinsip pasar dalam tafsir Al-Qur’an tematik Kementerian Agama RI adalah prinsip rida, prinsip anti riba, prinsip bebas dari <em>garar </em>dan <em>maisir</em><em>, </em>prinsip kejujuran transparansi dan keadilan, prinsip larangan monopoli, prinsip larangan <em>ihtikar</em> atau penimbunan, dan prinsip tidak lalai dalam ibadah.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Royhan Firdausy, Misba Huddin PENGARUH STRATEGI PROMOSI DAN KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP MINAT BELI KONSUMEN PADA ASOSIASI P4TANI TANAMAN HIAS KABUPATEN BONDOWOSO 2024-07-30T09:31:12+07:00 Imroatus Sholiha Alif Akbarul Muslim Riski Nindi Regina <p>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan tujuan ingin mengetahui pengaruh strategi promosi dan kualitas produk terhadap minat beli konsumen baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Penghitungannya dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS sehingga didapatkan hasil strategi promosi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli konsumen, dibuktikan oleh hasil uji t hitung 4,637 &gt; t tabel 1.664 atau nilai sig.t = 0,000 &lt; 0,005. Dan kualitas produk juga berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap minat beli konsumen (Y) yang dibuktikan dengan adanya hasil uji t variabel Kualitas Produk (X2) diketahui 0,828 &gt; t tabel 1.664 atau nilai sig.t = 0,000 &lt; 0,005. Sedangkan strategi promosi dan kualitas produk berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap minat beli konsumen). Hal ini dibuktikan oleh hasil uji f bahwa <em>F<sub>hitung</sub> </em>38.563 &gt; <em>F<sub>tabe</sub>l </em>3.115 atau nilai <em>sig. f </em>= 0,000 &lt; 0,05, serta analisis regresi dalam kategori kuat berdasarkan nilai dari koefisien korelasi (R) sebesar 0,707 terhadap minat beli konsumen (Y).</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Imroatus Sholiha PENGARUH INDUSTRI RUMAHAN KERAJINAN SANGKAR BURUNG TERHADAP PEREKONOMIAN MASYARAKAT SANGGRAAGUNG SOCAH BANGKALAN 2024-07-25T01:17:15+07:00 Mashudi Mashudi Misbahul Ali <p><em>This study was motivated by the researcher's curiosity about the influence of the home industry of bird cage crafts on improving society's economy in the village of Sanggra Agung, which has been doing these crafts for generations. Although they continuously produce bird cages, it seems that the economy of the bird cage craftsmen is still not growing. The study was carried out using a quantitative non-sampling method because the number of craftsmen was still below 100, and the data were obtained from the responses to the craftsmen's questionnaire and observations in the field about the home industry of bird cage crafts. From the results of the validity and reliability instrument tests, as well as the data normality assumption test, no deviations were found in the instrument or questionnaire data. Based on a simple regression analysis, it shows that the variable in the home industry of bird cage crafts affects the community economy, although the effect is not very significant. The coefficient correlation value is 0.211 or 4.5%, and the remaining 95.5% is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study.</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mashudi Mashudi, Misbahul Ali STRATEGI PEMASARAN SYARI’AH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELI KONSUMEN DI HOME INDUSTRI MAULANA BATIK SITUBONDO 2024-07-25T01:17:15+07:00 Lusi Oktaviani Zainul Anwar Evi Nuril Latifah <p><em>In the modernization era, many companies were founded, one of which was the Maulana Batik Situbondo Home Industry. In a business, of course the Maulana Batik Situbondo Home Industry has a marketing strategy to achieve the goals desired by consumers and customers. This research only focuses on two problems, namely how sharia marketing strategies increase consumer buying interest in the Maulana Batik Situbondo Home Industry. What are the inhibiting and supporting factors for sharia marketing strategies in increasing consumer buying interest in the Maulana Batik Situbondo Home Industry? This research method is qualitative research using two types of data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. The data collection techniques used to collect data are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research state that the Maulana Batik Situbondo Home Industry implements a marketing mix. Namely, the products being bought and sold are halal products, the prices applied are prices that are easily accessible to consumers, the promotions used have no elements of fraud, and the location is strategic in the center of Situbondo City. Apart from that, the Maulana Batik Situbondo Home Industry also applies Islamic marketing characteristics in its strategy, namely rabbaniyyah, ethical, realistic and humanistic values.</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lusi Oktaviani, Zainul Anwar, Evi Nuril Latifah RELEVANSI PRINSIP-PRINSIP EKONOMI DAN AKUNTANSI TERHADAP QS. AL-BAQARAH AYAT 282 2024-08-09T12:59:15+07:00 Amir Amir Ahmad Afin Aisyatul Badriyah <p><em>This article explains that Islam has a significant role in regulating the relationship and interaction between humans and God as well as fellow humans, other creatures, and the environment through the rules of muamalah. The concept of accounting in Islam, known as al-muhasābah, is included in the realm of muamalah which is related to the ability of the human mind. Accounting is the measurement, description, or provision of certainty regarding financial information that helps decision-making in companies, organizations, and government agencies.</em> <em>The Qur'an has explained the basic concept of accounting long before the introduction of the concept of double-entry bookkeeping economic and accounting by Lucas Pacioli. Surah Al-Baqarah verse 282 outlines the concept of accounting which emphasizes responsibility or accountability in muamalah. This verse emphasizes the importance of recording transactions correctly, openness, and justice between the two parties. This research uses library research method to identify and analyze the relevance of economic and accounting principles with verse 282 in the Qur'an. In the letter, there are three relevant accounting principles: accountability, fairness, and truth. The principle of accountability emphasizes the importance of each party involved in the transaction to be responsible for their actions. The principle of justice emphasizes correct and fair recording, while the principle of truth creates fairness in recognizing, measuring, and reporting economic transactions. Thus, the relationship of economic accounting principles with verse 282 of the Qur'an confirms the importance of integrity, fairness, and obedience in economic activities in accordance with Islamic values. This study aims to strengthen the understanding of the relevance of accounting principles to Islamic teachings, so as to contribute to the development of business practices that are in accordance with Islamic value</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Amir Amir PEMBIAYAAN MURABAHAH DI KSPPS BMT NU JAWA TIMUR DALAM PANDANGAN EKONOMI SYARIAH 2024-07-25T01:17:15+07:00 Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Imam Fawaid Faizul Islam <p><em>Islamic financial institutions in the midst of society have an important role in helping meet community needs, especially murabaha financing products. Where BMT NU already has a plan that has been designed to achieve common goals, before that product is everything that can be offered to customers to get a good response and be able to satisfy customer needs. And the product offered by the Tlogosari Branch of BMT NU is murabahah financing where the BMT NU provides financing to partners who apply for financing to buy goods but lack funds or even have no funds at all by way of installments. This study aims to find out how the murabaha financing contract is implemented at BMT NU Tlogosari Bondowoso branch and to find out the perspective of sharia economic law on murabaha financing contracts at BMT NU Tlogosari Bondowoso branch. This type of research uses qualitative methods to understand the discussion in question. The result of the discussion is that the implementation of the murabaha financing contract at BMT NU Tlogosari is based on the pillars of murabahah and is permissible because it is in accordance with sharia principles.</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syarifuddin Syarifuddin, Imam Fawaid, Faizul Islam PENINGKATAN MINAT KONSUMEN MELALUI STRATEGI PEMASARAN 2024-08-09T12:59:17+07:00 Nisfiyah Alviana Ahmadi Moh. Asra <p><em>UMKM merupakan salah satu ikhtiar untuk memperoleh ridha Allah SWT. Sehingga UMKM sangat berperan dalam memajukan perkembangan perekonomian khususnya di Indonesia. Peran yang sangat strategis dalam membangun perekonomian nasional dapat dinilai dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat, penyerapan tenaga kerja juga dalam pendistribusian hasil-hasil produksi.Fokus masalah yang akan diteliti yaitu tentang bagaimana strategi pemasaran dalam peningkatan minat konsumen dalam pembelian telur asin, serta faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pendukung dan kendala dalam penerapan strategi yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa dengan memperhatikan dan menjaga perpaduan antara produk yang menggunakan produk yang berkualitas dari segi telur yang diproduksi menjadi telur asin, harga yang diberikan termasuk harga yang terjangkau dari semua kalangan, tempat usaha termasuk tempat yang mudah dijangkau oleh para konsumen, dan promosi yang digunakan melalui media sosial, mulut ke mulut, serta baner. Faktor pendukung diantaranya pelayanan yang ramah kepada konsumen dan menyediakan produk yang berkualitas untuk kepuasan konsumen serta memberikan harga yang standar untuk semua kalangan. Sedangkan faktor kendala di usaha telur asin adalah stok bebek mengurang jika di musim hujan dan kemarau dan banyaknya kompetitor, sehingga membuat konsumen kurang berminat terhadap produk yang dijual oleh usaha telur asin.</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmadi, Nisfiyah Alviana, Moh. Asra SISTEM BAGI HASIL DALAM AKAD MUZARA’AH PADA PETANI TEMBAKAU DI SUMBER MALANG SITUBONDO 2024-08-09T13:17:49+07:00 Misba Huddin A. Muhyiddin Khotib Fariro Hasani <p><em>Plalangan Village is one of the villages where the majority of the livelihood is farming and in which there are many methods used to manage the land owned, ranging from managing it yourself to managing it by other people, one of the contracts used is the muzara'ah contract. The muzara'ah contract is a cooperative agreement between the land owner and the cultivator where the seeds to be planted come from the land owner. The agreement in this contract is usually done verbally without any written agreement with the distribution of the results agreed at the beginning of the agreement, however, in this distribution of results the cultivator is still waiting because the land owner is still looking for buyers who will buy tobacco, so this is the background for this research. . The type of research used is field research, that is, researchers go directly into the field to conduct research so they can see and understand the objects to be discussed. The results of this research show that the profit sharing system in the muzara'ah contract for tobacco farmers in Plalangan Village is that the distribution of the results is agreed upon by both parties at the beginning of the contract. What usually happens is that half is divided for the land owner and the other half for the cultivator, after deducting costs. -cost incurred. Meanwhile, the muzara'ah contract carried out by the people of Plalangan Village, Sumber Malang District, Situbondo Regency is valid because it has fulfilled the pillars and requirements of the muzara'ah contract and is in accordance with the principles of Islamic economics, namely the principle of monotheism, the principle of representation, the principle of justice, the principle of tazkiyah, and the principle of al-falah.</em></p> 2024-07-25T01:00:58+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Misba Huddin, A. Muhyiddin Khotib, fariro Hasani KONTROVERSI AKAD MUSYARAKAH DALAM PEMBIAYAAN USAHA KECIL DAN MENENGAH DI BANK SYARIAH INDONESIA: ANALISIS EKONOMI SYARIAH 2024-07-25T01:17:15+07:00 Ahmad Iqbal Fathoni Ahmad Muzakki <p><strong><em>Abstrak:</em></strong><em> Pasar adalah suatu mekanisme yang dapat mempertemukan para pembeli untuk melakukan transaksi atas barang atau jasa. Pasar merupakan bagian terpenting dalam kehidupan seorang muslim sebagai sarana transaksi yang ideal. Di Indonesia pasar merupakan penopang ekonomi masyarakat, baik masyarakat perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Secara fisik terdapat dua jenis pasar di Indonesia, yaitu pasar tradisional dan pasar modern. Pasar tradisional merupakan jenis pasar yang dikelola secara sederhana yang masih menerapkan sistem tawar menawar. Sedangkan pasar modern adalah pasar yang dikelola dengan manajemen modern yang umumnya terdapat dikinjagi sebaagi penyedia barang atau jasa dengan kualitas pelayanan yang baik kepada konsumen dan tidak adanya proses tawar menawar pada saat transaksi.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci: kualitas produk, harga, tingkat penjualan.</em></strong></p> 2024-07-25T00:43:52+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Iqbal Fathoni, Ahmad Muzakki