Atthufulah : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini <p><strong>Atthufulah :</strong> Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini merupakan jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan setiap bulan Oktober dan April oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini (PIAUD), <a title="Web Fakultas" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fakultas Tarbiyah</a>&nbsp;<a title="web unib" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo</a>. Jurnal ini berfokus pada isu-isu terkini terkait Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD).</p> <p><strong>[ P-ISSN</strong> : <a title="p-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2745-6838</a> |&nbsp; <strong>E-ISSN</strong> : <a title="e-ISSN" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2745-682X</a> ]</p> en-US (Farhatin Masruroh) (Ahmad Choirul Anam) Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 METODE DAN TEKNIK PENGENALAN BAHASA INGGRIS UNTUK ANAK USIA DINI PADA KELOMPOK B DI PAUD ISLAM TERPADU BINTANG KABUPATEN BANJAR <p><em>The rapid development of information and communication today makes English one of the important things that must be learned from an early age in order to prepare future generations who will continue to face a world with various forms of progress. The importance of choosing and using the right methods and techniques in order to create maximum results, therefore this study aims to find out the methods and techniques in the introduction of English in Group B at PAUD Islam Terpadu Bintang Banjar Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a type of case study research. The subjects of this study are educators and students of Group B in PAUD Islam Terpadu Bintang and The object of this study is the method and technique of introducing English to Group B in PAUD Islam Terpadu Bintang. This research uses data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation as well as data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that in implementing the English language recognition program, teachers used 3 methods including: the TPR (total physical response) method, the sing and song method (singing and song), and the habituation method. Teachers also use 4 techniques including: listen and repeat techniques, listen and do techniques, question and answer techniques and modeling and demonstration techniques.</em></p> Husnul Khazijah, Nor Izzatil Hasanah Izza, Rusdiah Rusdiah Copyright (c) 2023 Husnul Khazijah, Nor Izzatil Hasanah Izza, Rusdiah Rusdiah Sat, 18 Nov 2023 06:10:45 +0700 HEALTHY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI <p><em>Creating a healthy learning environment for early childhood is very important because the environment will affect children's learning. If the learning environment is not healthy, then the child will experience difficulties in learning. Children find it difficult to focus because they feel worried for their safety and comfort. Children need to gain a sense of trust that they are in a healthy environment, so that children can learn optimally. This research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques including interviews, observation, and documentation. The research was conducted at RA Asiyah Ciawi Tasikmalaya. Based on the results of the research, it shows that schools manage the learning environment in order to create a healthy environment including several aspects, namely 1) Classroom arrangement; 2) Adequate lighting, 3) Good air (temperature and ventilation), 4) Pay attention to safety, and 5) School cleanliness.</em></p> Fitria Fauziah Hasanah, Woro Prameswari, Rizqi Kustanti, Rania Nataesa Nurassyfa Copyright (c) 2023 Fitria Fauziah Hasanah, Woro Prameswari, Rizqi Kustanti, Rania Nataesa Nurassyfa Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 INTEGRASI EKSTRAKURIKULER PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI BERBASIS PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM <p>Early childhood education is developed creatively through learning development based Islamic Religious Education in extracurricular practices that have been carried out by Nurul Fatah Kalibaru Banyuwangi Kindergarten. Islamic Religious Education learning in kindergarten institutions is learning process whose learning uses an Islamic teaching approach. In this research, the author used qualitative research methods, that is research for describe an event, symptom, and event that occur for now. The results of the research are in every process of extracurricular activities at Nurul Fatah Kalibaru Banyuwangi Kindergarten integrated with the Islamic Religious Education learning system, children are introduce to Islamic teachings from an early age. The Islamic religious education approach in Nurul Fatah Kalibaru Kindergarten was been applied to children’s extracurricular activities outside school hours, including: congregational dzuhur prayers and additional habituation to Islamic activities.</p> Siti Mufarochah, Islachiyatul Asyrofiyah, Khulusinniyah, Luluk Mukaromah Copyright (c) 2023 Irmawati, Islachiyatul Asyrofiyah, Khulusinniyah, Luluk Mukaromah Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 EFEKTIVITAS MODEL BERMAIN ASYIK SERTA PEMBERIAN REWARD DALAM MENINGKATKAN RASA PERCAYA DIRI ANAK USIA DINI <p>This research stems from the many learning models offered to support the process of learning activities that take place, but some methods or models require validation of the extent to which the model is effectively applied in a lesson through several indicators of success, The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of the ASYIK play model and its rewards in increasing self-confidence in children, with the research subject being class B (5-6 years old) at An Nizhomiyyah Pandeglang Kindergarten, With the method (action research) of classroom action research consisting of one pre-cycle stage, and two measurement cycles referring to the Kemmis and Taggart spiral design. Data collection techniques were conducted through observation, field notes and documentation. It is concluded that the ASYIK model is effective in increasing children's self-confidence. This is evidenced by several cycles that have been carried out and obtained a significant increase, the ASYIK play model and rewarding can build children's confidence in learning activities from the beginning of the activity to the end. If in the learning process before the ASYIK model and its rewards are implemented children look shy and not confident to explore new things, then learning activities immediately change after this model is implemented.</p> Eva Sofiah, Sri Watini Copyright (c) 2023 Eva Sofiah, Sri Watini Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN INTERAKSI SOSIAL PADA ANAK USIA DINI MELALUI KEGIATAN BERMAIN BALOK SECARA BERKELOMPOK DI TKN PEMBINA 1 PALEMBANG <p>Social interaction skills certainly have an important role in early childhood because in carrying out interactions children will be taught how to be able to live in society in their environment. So that the development of social interaction skills needs to be supported by the family environment and the school environment. However, in the current era where technology has developed very rapidly, it has affected children's development. So the need for block play activities to be able to develop children's social interactions. The purpose of this study was to describe how group play with blocks can improve children's social interaction skills. This research is a study using a class action design. This classroom action research was conducted at Pembina 1 Palembang State Kindergarten in class B4 which has 15 children. The design chosen is a cycle model that is carried out repeatedly and continuously. From the data in cycle I which showed a result of 62% and experienced an increase in cycle II with a percentage of 79.33% this shows that it is in the criteria of Good Development. So it was concluded that playing blocks in groups improves children's interaction skills.</p> Mahsya Jauza Zanety, Sri Sumarni, Ratiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Mahsya Jauza Zanety, Sri Sumarni, Ratiyah Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI TIM MEDIA DALAM UPAYA PROMOSI LEMBAGA PAUD <p>This study aims to determine the strategy of the media team in an effort to promote the institution and the obstacles it faces. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive approach. This research was conducted at TK Islam Plus Insan Kamil Tuban. This research uses observation, interview, and documentation methods. In this study there were 3 informants including: the head of the school, the deputy head of the school, and the head of the institutional media team division. The results of the study show that the strategies used by the media team in promoting the institution are carried out online and offline. Online is done by: 1) creating content planner calendars, 2) creating social media accounts, 3) creating content, 4) uploading content on social media, 5) evaluation. The offline promotion strategies include: 1) collaborating with various agencies, 2) sharing and caring, 3) inviting influential people, 4) teacher branding and work branding. The obstacles faced were: 1) internet network disruption, 2) delays in content creation, 3) some media teams required more intense training related to making promotional media, 4) evaluation.</p> Ana Aulia, Nur Lailatul Fitri, Nurul Novitasari, Farhatin Masruroh Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Aulia, Nur Lailatul Fitri, Nurul Novitasari, Farhatin Masruroh Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700 ANALSISIS PENERAPAN MODEL CIPP TERHADAP PENYEDIAAN LAYANAN PENDIDIKAN INKLUSI DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK PERTIWI DI KECAMATAN BUKIK BARISAN <p>The study was intended to identify the catchment of the Ministry of Education for the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Early Childhood Education Society according to the Ministry of Education and Culture number 18, 2018 By using the CIPP analysis model (context advance, input, process, and product) the object in the study is in the nub district of the fifty city district with the number of children of 18 normal children and 3 children infiltrating by 2 faculty and 1 escort teacher. The study was carried out Thursday to Friday, March 15 to 16, 2023. The study uses qualitative descriptive methods and uses CIPP model analysis. His data-collection techniques include observation interviews and documentation. Studies show that children in kindergarten have been provided several tools and infrastructure to support successful child study such as teaching materials and assessments that have been adjusted to the needs of children, but this has not been fully realized since there has been no specific inclusion teacher that teachers at the school give priority to normal children.</p> Khairu Nisa Yulianti, Fisna Khairiah, Yaswinda Copyright (c) 2023 Khairu Nisa Yulianti, Fisna Khairiah, Yaswinda Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0700