Computational thinking ability becomes a predictor of mathematical critical thinking ability

  • Sekar Rani Candraningtyas Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka, DKI Jakarta 13830, Indonesia
  • Hikmatul Khusna Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka, DKI Jakarta 13830, Indonesia
Keywords: Computational Thinking, Critical Thinking, Mathematical Thinking, Problem-Solving, Thinking Ability


This research aims to determine the relationship between computational thinking ability and mathematical critical thinking ability of seventh-grade students at SMPN 49 Jakarta. Computational thinking ability is skills or processes in solving problems effectively, while mathematical critical thinking ability is a process of analyzing problems to make an accurate decision. This research used correlation research with research subjects consisting of 14 female students and 16 male students. The instrument in this study is a test in the form of a description, which is measured using indicators. This study used decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm thinking as indicators of computational thinking ability. This study uses elementary clarification, essential support, inference, advanced clarification, strategy, and tactics as indicators of mathematical critical thinking. The outcome of this research showed a positive correlation between computational thinking ability and students’ mathematical critical thinking ability. The relationship analysis shows a simultaneous and significant relationship between computational thinking and essential mathematical thinking abilities. The correlation test results using Pearson Product Moment obtained a result of 0.897 with a coefficient of determination of 80.5%. The magnitude of the correlation indicates that the two abilities have a solid relationship. If computational thinking ability is high, then mathematical critical thinking ability is also high, and if computational thinking ability is low, then mathematical critical thinking ability is also low.


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How to Cite
Candraningtyas, S. R., & Khusna, H. (2023). Computational thinking ability becomes a predictor of mathematical critical thinking ability. Alifmatika: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Matematika, 5(2), 247-263.
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